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    Start your day out Positive with a scent of Affirmation... Selfcare begins with You!! 

  • Kingdom Of Heaven

    $25 on Sale for $10

    Often we feel like finding God, seeing Him at work, and experiencing His presence takes hard work. Many believers spend our time searching for the next book, service, story, or special Prayer that will bring us closer to Him. It can be a frustrating, frantic, and draining quest for that special something that lets us know we are not alone and that we are truly a part of something greater than ourselves.

    What if the quest is a distraction? What if God’s presence is closer that we think? What if He is working and moving even when we feel like we can’t see or feel Him?

    This E-book helps you the reader unlock the mystery of who God is and how we can experience Him in our lives fully and Abundantly!